safari chrome_Mac用户应放弃Safari的Google Chrome浏览器
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safari chrome

safari chrome

Listen: I know you love your Google Chrome. You’ve got your massive collection of extensions, your favorite pinned tabs, and there’s even that colorful theme you added sometime in 2013. You’re comfy in Chrome. I get it.

听:我知道您爱您的Google Chrome浏览器。 您拥有大量的扩展程序集,自己喜欢的固定标签,甚至在2013年某个时候添加了一个丰富多彩的主题。您都对Chrome感到满意。 我知道了。

I was too, and thought Safari was a stripped-down, no-features excuse for a browser. But then I tried it.

我也是,并且认为Safari是浏览器的精简,无功能的借口。 但是后来我尝试了。

And at some point between then and now, Safari got good. Really good. I’m not saying it’s the browser for everyone, but I will say that every Mac user should at least give Safari a try, because it does a lot of things better than Chrome (or any other browser, for that matter). Here are a few.

从那时到现在的某个时候,Safari表现良好。 真的很好 我并不是说它是适合所有人的浏览器,但我想说的是,每个Mac用户至少应该尝试一下Safari,因为它的功能比Chrome(或其他任何浏览器)要好得多。 这里有一些。

在旧版Mac上具有更长的电池寿命和更好的性能 (Better Battery Life, and Better Performance on Older Macs)

Browsers can be optimized for efficiency or for speed—it’s hard to really do both. Chrome, for the most part, focuses on speed; Safari focuses on efficiency. It’s understandable if you’d rather have a faster web browsing experience: that’s all some users care about. But there are some very good reasons to focus on efficiency.

可以针对效率或速度对浏览器进行优化-很难同时做到这两者。 Chrome大部分时间都专注于速度; Safari注重效率。 如果您希望有更快的Web浏览体验,这是可以理解的:这是某些用户所关心的。 但是有一些很好的理由关注效率。

Power usage is the most obvious one. , Chrome beats Safari when it comes to benchmarks, but Safari does way better in terms of battery life. If you’re using a MacBook, replacing Chrome with Safari can improve your battery life, in some cases by a couple of hours.

功耗是最明显的一种。 ,在基准 ,Chrome胜过Safari,但是Safari的续航能力更好。 如果您使用的是MacBook,那么用Safari替换Chrome可以将电池寿命延长,有时甚至可以延长几个小时。

You don’t have to take my word for it: and Chrome will always top the list, unless you’re converting video or something.

您不必完全相信我的话: ,Chrome始终会排在首位,除非您要转换视频或其他内容。

Chrome rides your CPU hard, and while it is getting better about battery life, it’s still no match for Safari. And if you’re using an older Mac, Safari might actually perform better for you.

Chrome会消耗您的CPU的精力,虽然可以延长电池寿命,但仍无法与Safari匹敌。 而且,如果您使用的是较旧的Mac,则Safari实际上可能会为您带来更好的性能。

On my 2011 MacBook Pro, starting up Chrome is a surefire way to trigger the fans and slow down the rest of my system. Switching to Safari, for me, makes every other program on my device a little faster. And yes: I could upgrade my laptop. That’s absolutely a fair thing to say. But when I use Safari, I don’t feel like I have to. Are Chrome’s features worth $1000 or more to you?

在我的2011年MacBook Pro上,启动Chrome是一种触发风扇并降低系统其余部分速度的可靠方式。 对我来说,切换到Safari可以使设备上的所有其他程序更快。 是的:我可以升级笔记本电脑。 这绝对是一件很公平的事情。 但是当我使用Safari时,我感觉不必这样做。 Chrome的功能对您来说价值1000美元或更多吗?

内容过滤器比广告拦截器更好 (Content Filters Are Better Than Ad Blockers)

If you’re a longtime Chrome user, you probably turn to something like or to stop ads from mucking up your browser. And while there’s nothing wrong with either of those options, they do have a downside. Due to the way Chrome works, they look at sites after they’re downloaded, and retroactively remove the blocked content. That slows you down, and uses resources.

如果您是Chrome的长期用户,则可以使用或来阻止广告破坏您的浏览器。 尽管这些选择中的任何一个都没有错,但它们确实有缺点。 由于Chrome的工作方式,他们会在下载查看网站,并追溯删除被阻止的内容。 这会减慢您的速度,并消耗资源。

Safari is different. Apple offers a content blocking API, which extension makers can use to prevent ads from ever being downloaded in the first place. As :

Safari是不同的。 Apple提供了一个内容阻止API,扩展程序制造商可以使用它来阻止广告从头下载。 正如 :

Content-blocking rules are created in a structured format ahead-of-time, declaratively, rather than running extension-provided code at the moment a decision about blocking needs to be made. WebKit compiles the ruleset into a bytecode format that it can process efficiently at runtime, reducing latency between when a page request is created and when it is dispatched over the network. Safari does not request undesired content. By avoiding unnecessary or unwanted downloads, Safari uses less memory and has better performance.

内容阻止规则以声明的方式提前以结构化格式创建,而不是在需要做出有关阻止的决定时运行扩展提供的代码。 WebKit将规则集编译为字节码格式,可以在运行时有效地处理它,从而减少了创建页面请求和通过网络分发页面请求之间的等待时间。 Safari不会请求不需要的内容。 通过避免不必要的下载或不必要的下载,Safari使用更少的内存并具有更好的性能。

If this sounds like nonsense to you, and compare it to your Google Chrome setup. I bet you’ll be surprised what a difference this makes, both in terms of performance and battery life. There’s no reason Chrome couldn’t offer a content blocking API. But don’t hold your breath for Google, the biggest advertising company in the world, to prioritize that.

如果您觉得这无聊,请然后将其与您的Google Chrome浏览器进行比较。 我敢打赌,无论是在性能还是在电池寿命方面,这都会带来改变。 Chrome没有理由不提供内容阻止API。 但是,请不要屏住呼吸,让世界上最大的广告公司Google优先考虑。

读取器模式使每个站点变得更好 (Reader Mode Makes Every Site Better)

Even if you don’t use ad blockers for moral reasons, some websites glut of ads and terrible typographic choices make reading a chore. Safari offers a built-in way to deal with this: Reader Mode. Click one button and the text of the article you’re reading is extracted and put on a clean slate.

即使出于道德原因不使用广告拦截器,某些网站上过多的广告和可怕的版式选择也会使阅读变得杂乱无章。 Safari提供了一种内置的方式来处理此问题:读取器模式。 单击一个按钮,您正在阅读的文章的文本将被提取并放在干净的面板上。

This makes reading a lot more pleasant. And while there are alternatives to this for Chrome, they all come as browser extensions or bookmarklets, and none work very quickly or seamlessly, at least in my experience. Every time I try to quit Safari, Reader Mode is what pulls me back in.

这使阅读更加愉快。 尽管Chrome有其他替代方法,但它们都是作为浏览器扩展程序或小书签提供的,至少根据我的经验,它们都无法快速或无缝地工作。 每次我尝试退出Safari时,“阅读器模式”都会让我重新投入。

Safari与iPhone和iPad同步 (Safari Syncs With Your iPhone and iPad)

If you’re an iPhone or iPad user, it’s hard to match the integration between Safari on your Mac and Safari on your iOS device. Your tabs and bookmarks sync seamlessly, and . Your . Passwords saved on one device are accessible on another. We could go on.

如果您是iPhone或iPad用户,则很难匹配Mac上的Safari和iOS设备上的Safari之间的集成。 您的标签和书签可以无缝同步,并且 。 您的 。 保存在一台设备上的密码可以在另一台设备上访问。 我们可以继续。

Chrome does this as well, but you have to use Chrome on your iPhone too—but Safari is the default browser in iOS, with no way to change it. So Chrome’s syncing won’t be nearly as seamless, since some apps will send you to Safari when you click on links.

Chrome也可以做到这一点,但是您也必须在iPhone上使用Chrome,但是Safari是iOS中的默认浏览器,无法更改它。 因此,Chrome浏览器的同步将变得不那么无缝,因为当您单击链接时,某些应用程序会将您发送到Safari。

Put simply, if you’re an iPhone user, using Safari makes your life a lot easier.


Chrome可以使某些功能变得更好,但并非一切 (Chrome Does Some Things Better, But Not Everything)

We could not have written this article five years ago. A lot of these features are new-ish, and Safari’s extensions ecosystem was so terrible for so long that everyone jumped ship for Chrome, which is the main reason so many Mac users are still there. And to this day, if you love extensions, you’ve got a lot more choice on Chrome. That’s just how it is.

我们不可能在五年前写这篇文章。 其中许多功能都是新颖的,而且Safari的扩展生态系统如此之久是如此糟糕,以至于每个人都跳投了Chrome,这是许多Mac用户仍然留在这里的主要原因。 直到今天,如果您喜欢扩展程序,Chrome上还有更多选择。 就是这样。

Chrome does a lot of other things well, including performance and integration with Google’s ecosystem. But Safari in 2017 has a lot of strengths, and if you’ve been ignoring it you should check it out.

Chrome在其他方面做得很好,包括性能和与Google生态系统的集成。 但是Safari在2017年具有很多优势,如果您一直忽略它,则应该查看一下。

You might be surprised. I was.

您可能会感到惊讶。 我曾是。


safari chrome


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